
Our Isle of Man headquarters

IFGL is based in the Isle of Man, a well-established global financial centre with a reputation for strength and security.

Watch our short explainer video about the Isle of Man here.

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  • Aa3 Moody’s rating
    The Aa3 ratings reflects the Isle of Man’s very high wealth levels and long track record of robust economic growth which provide a significant buffer against shocks.

  • Award-winning
    The Isle of Man won the prestigious Best International Finance Centre award at the 2024 Investment International Fund and Product Awards for the 6th time in 8 years.

  • OECD compliance
    The Isle of Man has the top compliant rating for global tax transparency from the OECD, one of only a handful of offshore jurisdictions to achieve it.
Isle of man

The Isle of Man


London Isle of Man

The Isle of Man, situated in the Irish Sea and only a short flight from London, is a leader in global governance and risk frameworks, such as the Common Reporting Standards.

It enjoys an Aa3 sovereign rating from Moody’s, OECD white list status, and is recognised by the IMF as ‘a well-regulated offshore finance centre of excellence’.

The Island's location, exceptional political and economic stability and its ability to enact its own legislation independent of the UK have made it one of the world's most attractive financial centres.

We have two offices on the Island, in Douglas and Castletown.

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Our global reach


From our headquarters on the Isle of Man to our offices throughout the world, IFGL is proud to provide industry leading financial solutions to expatriates and affluent local customers in a wide variety of countries.

We have offices in the following locations:

  • Isle of Man
  • Dubai
  • Hong Kong
  • Singapore
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Johannesburg
  • Montevideo

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Staff employed worldwide


Offices in 4 continents


Countries where customers reside

World-class investor protection

Every insurer on the Isle of Man must hold a sufficient amount of solvency capital to allow them to withstand a 1-in-200-year financial shock over a 1-year timeframe.

IFGL’s insurance businesses are further capitalised in excess of this regulatory requirement, providing policyholders with comprehensive protection and peace of mind.

The Isle of Man’s government also works closely with internationally renowned organisations to ensure providers meet the highest standards of global regulation and supervision. 

RL360 Superstock podium celebration
Start of the RL360 Superstock TT
Peter Hickman coming over the mountain

Nature, racing and rich heritage

The Isle of Man is also a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural heritage including Celtic and Viking influences.

Its parliament, Tynwald, is of Norse origin and over 1,000 years old, and is the oldest continuous parliament in the world.

The island boasts breathtaking landscapes adorned with lush greenery, dramatic cliffs, and serene beaches making it a haven for outdoor enthusiasts.

Beyond its scenic allure, the Isle of Man is known for the Isle of Man TT motorcycle races, attracting daredevil riders and passionate spectators from around the world.

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